Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Advent Season: Prepare the Way of the Lord

The Christmas season is very exciting as we all look forward to spending quality time with our families, the children in our lives, and other loved ones. Certainly, it is a season that is filled with anticipation and excitement. People are constantly racing around during the month of December to get ready for the big day. However, what are we really preparing for. Is it the candy canes, decorations, lights, and gift buying, or is it something more. All of these things are nice and we do enjoy them, but let us take time this Advent season to prepare our Hearts for the coming of the Lord Jesus.

Christmas is the season where we are filled with Joy, for our Saviour is born, the babe, the Son of Mary. With the birth of Jesus Christ comes rebirth for all of us, as we enter a new year with glad tidings and peace. It is essential however to prepare for this great feast so that on the day of our Lord and those that follow we may be in touch with the Saviour of the world and his great love and friendship with us. During the days that lead up to Christmas it is good to take some time each day whether it be a few minutes or so to sit with our Lord, to ask God to prepare us for the coming of Christ. Allow God to open up our hearts and minds to the real meaning of Christmas by sitting with the Christmas narrative in the Gospels or simply pray and think about how this babe came, Jesus--True God and True man, humbling himself to take on flesh and share in our humanity so that we could rise to new life because of his great love for us on the Cross. Let us think about Jesus, the baby lying in the manger, that the wood of the manger turns into the wood of the Cross. For the coming of Christ into the world is the first step of Salvation history and for the hope of the future that awaits us Christians who believe in the Messiah. During this time before Christmas, let us think about Emmanuel, literally "GOD WITH US." By preparing our hearts and focusing on the Lord this Advent season, we will remain in tune with what Christmas is all about, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ the Lord. Our time with our families will be that much more blessed and we will appreciate the day and the season not solely for its commercialism, but for what this great feast day was intended for; that we gather together as the Church and in our families to proclaim the JOY to the World the Savior has Come, Let Earth receive her King! I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and pray that you are ready for Christmas this year.

Monday, August 31, 2009

VICKtory: From Criminal to Renewed Man of God

Roughly two years ago football sensation Michael Vick went from star to cell mate, from highly respected to being hated upon by millions for the horrific crime he committed. As a result of Vick's catastrophic crime with regard to animal cruelty, specifically running a dog fighting ring and endorsing the extreme torturing of these animals, Michael was convicted and locked up for nearly two years. There is no doubt in my mind that Vick deserved every single day that he spent in federal prison, however for him this time not only saved his life and what he is now living for, but helped him rediscover a new desire for a relationship with God.

To begin with, there is a monumental problem when it comes to athletes and criminal activity. Unfortunately these super stars are not capable of dealing with all the fame and wealth that goes along with the turf of being a professional athlete. This however is no excuse for their actions, but instead all the more reason why they need to be treated the same as a regular blue collar worker would be. With that said, it was very disappointing to hear of Michael Vick's role in animal cruelty. I have always been a fan of Vick, a pretty big fan, however as soon as the allegations came to fruition, that #7 Falcons Jersey was tossed in the trash. I refused to support a criminal who was supposed to be a role model.

Time is a precious gift that God grants to us all. We certainly do not know when we will be called from this life, therefore it is important that we make the most of the time we have on a daily basis. Michael Vick learned this valuable lesson while being locked up in prison for nearly two years. Like I said before, he deserved ever bit of punishment that he received and it is fair that Vick will have to deal with the boycott of his reinstatement by outraged fans. When a bad choice is made, the consequences and time have to be paid. Fortunately, Michael was able to change his perspective on life while behind bars. This humbling experience forced Vick to open his eyes and more importantly his heart. Even for a man who seemed to be on top of the world having it all, the money, the fame, the glory of being an NFL Quarterback, he was missing the most important aspect a real relationship with Christ. Although I do not know Michael personally, I do know that his mentor and spiritual advisor through this entire process, Tony Dungy helped Vick see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Furthermore, most people do not realize how great of an impact the former head coach of the Colts, Tony Dungy has on young men. Coach Dungy has not only written a number of books, one which I have recently read entitled, "Uncommon," but he has chosen to lead young men to living a life of better character, morals, in hopes that they find God. Coach Dungy was an outstanding play caller and awesome guy for any owner to have to lead his team. He was highly successful as an NFL player and coach, even winning the Super Bowl a few years ago. However, coach Dungy stepped off the sideline because God was knocking at his heart and he asnwered. He knew there was a greater purpose for him in life, to lead young men to know the Lord.

Therefore, in order to live out his calling of Prison Ministry on a more full time basis, coach Dungy went into the prison cells with troubled youth and young men across the country. One of these young men who received the love and help of coach Dungy was Michael Vick. Tony Dungy remains Vick's mentor and if he feels Michael is a changed man, I believe it. Time will ultimately tell, but for now it is nice to see how one man can reach out to another man and help him through tough times, make him learn what he did was wrong and help him make things right. Coach Dungy knows what it takes for one to change to become an UNCOMMON man, a man who will have a great impact on his family, his peers, and those younger who look up to them as a role model. Michael Vick can be one of these men. These life changing lessons were invaluable for Vick, who is now making things right by working with the humane society on a regular basis, advocating for animal rights, and most importantly speaking to youth accross the country about making good decisions. Michael said that he is a changed man. Coach Dungy believes that Vick has a new desire to live life to the fullest when it comes to his family, his friends, his committment to being a good role model for youth, and most of all in his relationship with God.

All in all, these very principles are going to be what it will take for Michael Vick to regain the respect of not only football fans, but people throughout the world. I believe in second chances, we all make mistakes and if we are truly remorseful should be helped on to the road of Victory. There is no doubt in my mind that God can change a person's heart, as the Lord Jesus has the power to reconcile and to heal, to allow one to get rid of the old self and put on the new. Certainly, there are football fans who are eager to see Vick on the grid iron again. I am definitely one of them. However, I am more excited to see this man close one chapter of his life which has weighed him down for the past years and to start a new one. Michael Vick has been given a second chance, it is now up to him to not only say the right things, but most importantly be a doer of his words and those that Coach Dungy has professed about him. Michael paid the time for his crime. It is now time for us as a forgiving people to embrace him. I would love to see Michael Vick lead the Eagles to a Super Bowl victory some day. Whether or not that will happen, I do not know. However, I am happy to see now and eager to see in time the man Michael is forming into. Vick is on the road to success in life as a person, not because of his money, not because of his fame or his glory, but because he has chosen to accept help, to accept change, and to accept that he needs God in his life more now than ever. Tony Dungy has won hundreds of games in his career as a player and coach, however there has been no sweeter VICKtory than for him to see Michael Vick leave prison as a changed man. My prayers are for Michael and his family; that he continues to walk in goodness and truth, that he fosters an ever growing relationship with God, and that he becomes a new ray of light for others which breaks through the darnkess. This is yet another example that God works wonders and miracles in life, that we can say through Christ we can all share in victory!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Camp Veritas...On Fire for God

One week is not a tremendous amount of time in the course of a person's lifetime, while one's lifetime is only a mere blip when it comes to eternity. However, depending upon how a week is spent, it most certainly can be life changing and extremely meaningful. About a week ago, I left Camp Veritas, a Catholic Camp for youth in the greater Central New York area, on fire for God. In terms of my faith and celebrating it with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, I have had no experience that is like what I had at Camp Veritas. Veritas is Latin for TRUTH. The name of the camp is fitting because it challenges us as Christians to live by the truth and to continuously strive to follow our Lord Jesus Christ who is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. Unfortunately, we live in a day and age where power, wealth, sex, and fame is what is valued by the culture in our country. The importance of Religion is fading away more and more in the minds and hearts of those who live in this 21st Century. It is vital to realize that whether or not people wish to acknowledge God, He is as present as He has ever been! Camp Veritas provides one the opportunity and environment to take time away from "the World" and to spend quality time with God as well as hundreds of other fired up Catholics who wish to rekindle their faith.
Furthermore, it is so important to emphasize that although we live in a culture of death and sin, there are many people doing good, living through service of their fellow brothers and sisters, and ultimately living a life of LOVE. The Catholic faith is so important and the Church will always exist. During this age where Churches are closing and their is a lack of people accepting a call to religious life, we are challenged. Although it might seem a tough task or a big mountain to climb when we have to go against the grain of society on a daily basis, let us always remember that Jesus started with just twelve. Where two or three are gathered in His name, there He is with us. God will provide us the strength as long as we band together and do not give up. Camp Veritas is about encouraging youth to get to know Jesus on a personal basis, to live a life of love for the Church-the body of Christ, and to fully participate in the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord through the celebration of daily Mass and Adoration of the blessed Sacrament. Camp Veritas offers young people a chance to come together as ONE, to express there Faith, share it with others, and challenge themselves to go out into the world to make it a better place. Daily activities such as morning prayer, teachings and saying of the Rosary, music which includes praise and worship, help one come closer to God and grow in their desire to live for the Lord. This is what I experienced a Camp Veritas. Along with these great spiritual activities and testamonies each night, Camp Veritas is committed to also fostering the growth of the body through fun filled sports such as basketball, soccer, baseball, swimming, hockey, football, in addition to games and go-carts, rockwall, and a beautiful lake. What a way to spend a week, to take time out of life's business in order to grow closer to God and others who desire to do not their own will, but the will of the one who created them. Overall, Camp Veritas is about realizing that there is a God, and "I am not Him." As a result of living in a culture that tells us we can do whatever we please, whenever we please, our youth need a place where they can learn more about the Catholic faith and the Church which their blessed Mother protects. Through the love and committment of the YOUNG family, Camp Veritas is a place where the Holy Spirit is working and present, where youth come together to set their hearts of FIRE for GOD!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Love Thee Little Ones

Kids are certainly an incredible blessing from God. Children are the fruit of the whomb and the creation of the Lord through man and woman. There is no doubt that children are special and that they are the future. Unfortunately, our culture has been shaped in a negative way as many of us continue to race race race through our days, focus on the tasks we have, our works obligations. However, we are missing an intricate and extremely important part, spending time with our children. Many of us have children of our own, some of us are not yet parents. Whatever the case may be, it is so essential for our well being and our children's well being to spend time with them, show them we care, and give them time each day to grow in Love with us. We must constantly remember that where love and goodness are found, God is present. Jesus had a special place in his heart for the "little ones," the children of his time. He understood how important they were to our world and how the love we share with them can impact their lives now, and ultimately their future. By taking time each day to play with kids, listen to them, talk with them, and enjoy their company not only do we impact their life, but we receieve an incredible gift of grace and peace in our own lives. Often, parents or syblings of small children will keep track of time by looking at their watches or a clock, instead, we should just concentrate on devote our whole selves to the moments we are with these little ones.
Furthermore, the youth of our generation is troubled at times due to an increase in underaged drinking, drugs, and premarital sex. We must spend adequate time with the youth and show them that we love and care them as well. Many of us shy away from youth or children who have problems, when ultimtately these are the ones we must spend more and more time with to help them grow and develop as people in this world. It is not always easy, but in the long run it is more times than not beneficial to the one we help and to our own well being. Certainly God continues to bless those who help others.
Time is definitely a precious gift. What we do with the time we have is vital to our own well being and the well being of others. Who we spend our time with and what we do with those people is what will ultimately define who we are. For a wise Priest once said, "Love is about giving what one has, and what one is to those one loves." If we can take this attitude and be positive, nowing that we do have a chance to impact just one life at a time to make the world a better place, then we are on the track to victory. Take time to be a dad, mom, Grandfather, Grandmother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, or friend of a child today. You certainly will not be disappointed and you are sure to see a smile on the face of the kid that you took time to LOVE. Just remember, where love and goodness of heart is, there God is smiling back at you! We are all children of God, let us take time to Love a Child today.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Called to Serve: Dominica

The call to service is something that comes to many of us at different times in our lives. As human beings we have the obligation to respond to this call, and when we do we realize how beneficial such work can be. Service work is imperative for the Christian, as it remains as a type of ministry that allows for one to enrich his or her relationship with God, as well as the human community he or she responds to. By experiencing the Lord during voluntary opportunities, one is able to take part in the dynamic world that God has created. As a result of being a child of God, created in his image; we are called to give ourselves away to others in service. Through the grace of God and the opportunities we respond to, we participate in the ongoing creation of the world and foster the great gift of love that allows for us Christians to grow exponentially. The service trip to Dominica is one example of a Christian mission which allowed me to grow closer to God, experience God’s love and goodness, as well as interact with my brothers and sisters from a different country. Certainly, the ten day service ministry in Dominica was more than just a visit to a new place with unfamiliar people. Dominica was an opportunity where I continued to grow as a person in the human community, where I learned that everything we do must be for the greater glory of God, and that dependence is a key factor which enriches our mind, body, and soul. This paper will focus on reflecting on my experience in Dominica and how the service trip to the Caribbean with the LEAD Learning Community allowed me to understand the importance of poverty, the need for dynamic cooperation, and how to better incorporate the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius in hopes of living out the love motto, Ad Me jorum Dei Glorium, to do all things for the Greater Glory of God.
To begin with, my experiences in Dominica and reflection on the service that I completed there is essential to my development as a person. There is no doubt that I have grown in the past ten days that I spent in Dominica. However, in order to better conceive the great impact that my actions in this foreign land has had on myself as well as my encounter with the people, it is necessary that I examine some of the theological articles that we looked at, as well as Teilhard de Chardin’s Divine Milieu, with regard to how these enhance my reflection on service. Teilhard makes an essential point in his book, that we as human beings are the image of God. With that said, it is imperative to recognize the God of the Trinity who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Part of this dynamic mystery includes God the Son, Jesus Christ, namely God who came down to take on flesh becoming incarnate. One might ask, well what does this mean with regard to the Christian call to service as a ministry? Well, through the historical person of Jesus Christ, we can see how he interacted in the world and ultimately what it means to be human. In addition, J. Matthew Ashley explains the dynamism of the Trinity as three persons who are in love, constantly changing. The members of the Trinity each have purely selfless love and are perfectly open. Ashley argues that the mutual relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit causes the persons of the Trinity to be in constant love. In essence God makes himself vulnerable to humanity. This is also God’s will for us and our call as Christians, which we can express through service. Therefore, we become part of the dynamic body of Christ.
Furthermore, with this important theological viewpoint outlined, it is important that I now talk about how this relates to my experience in Dominica. It was my hope that this service experience would allow me to open myself up to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ through multiple incidents of love. The main reason why I jumped on this opportunity was because of my love for others and my understanding of how important it is to share that love with the world God made. One of Teilhard’s great messages is that all the activities that we do, should be done and effectively done out of love, to promote the life of the body of Christ. When I worked with the children at the Alpha Center, I truly experienced God in the love that I showed them by teaching them, playing with them, and singing with them. At the same time, I also felt the powerful love of God in the love that the handicapped children showed me. The experience that I had with these special children was something that demonstrated to me that we are all truly instruments through which God works to touch and reach out to others in a beautiful way.
Another great pillar of Christianity that Teilhard focused on in his Divine Milieu was poverty. According to Teilhard, poverty is about dependence which makes one richer. Poverty or neediness helps us as human persons to learn how to participate in community. What this ultimately means is that we as Christians are called to participate and interact with the body of Christ in connection with God and others. In Dominica, I was able to experience poverty in a number of ways. First of all, I had to become dependent on the other members of my group. Whether it was the cooking of meals, the sharing of reflections during class, or the simple fact of looking out for one another throughout the day, dependence was profound. My every day experiences through my dependence on the members of the group combined with simple living made me feel alive as a person. This is such an important point to recognize, as God calls us to become persons, not individuals. There have been times in my life when material things, a lack of cooperation, connection, and/or communication have caused me to fall away from personhood into the trap of individualism. However, Dominica taught me to let go of my comfort zone and the things “of the world” in order to be at least for a little while what I would describe as a pretty full person living “in the world” through love. I also experienced dependence when working at the Alpha Center due to the instruction of the teachers, as well as the needs of the handicapped students. By letting go, a lesson spoken of by Dean Brinkley as an overlying theme of his articles, we become passive and receptive to God’s love in poverty. Brinkley argues that at this point we as persons experience the fire—God’s love. He goes on to say that only dependent people experience this, as those who are ultimately poor in spirit will do all things as a response to love.
In addition, by tutoring the children at the youth center and spending time in conversation with some people at the homeless shelter, I yet again felt the presence of God. One of the key questions that this trip allowed me to answer was that I do have the human responsibility as a Christian to live simpler so that others in the world can have the opportunities that I do. I saw this come full circle and really make sense when working with the children of Dominica. Although I cannot control where I was born, the gifts and talents I was given, or the opportunities that I have been blessed with, I can control what I do with this incredible grace. When doing simple math problems and reading with the students at the Youth Center and Alpha Center, I was able to help them. Even though, I helped them get some homework or schoolwork done, the experience was much more than that. In giving my time and self away to them, I showed them that I cared and shared that love of God with them. In being unselfish, I not only felt God’s love and at times saw God shining through these children, but I myself grew in understanding of what it means to share opportunities with others. I felt great Joy in my heart when I saw the smiles on those children’s faces and knew that what I was doing was worthwhile and good. Although not every child smiled, God spoke to me and this became more evident through my reflections of the service I was completing and our class discussions.
Additionally, going to the homeless shelter and spending time with the people there was extremely humbling for me. I learned how important this act of love was, to recognize every person of the body of Christ as a human being. With that said, Teilhard’s understanding of providence comes to mind. The idea that God is actively present in the world, which invites goodness, could be clearly seen. However, it was up to me to respond and give those homeless people my love by putting aside any fears and anxieties, by visiting them. I learned real chastity by visiting a few of the homeless people of Dominica. Before, I believe I really knew what it meant to love, but not completely how to love unselfishly and for a time unconditionally. The connection that I had with one particular man named Clement at the shelter was incredible. After spending more than an hour talking with him two consecutive afternoons, I was able to go beyond the point of thinking that this man was homeless, dirty, and probably not well educated. In the simple act of unselfish love, I learned that he was just as human as I was, if not more. He was a person and intricate part of the body of Christ, namely my brother. With that said, I also can confidently say that I began to learn true obedience. Clement taught me that I have a long way to go when it comes to putting my faith, hope, and love together at the same time. What I mean by this is that my belief in God must always be fostered in what I do; AMDG—All for the Glory of God. By listening to Clement and communicating with him I was able to become vulnerable. This vulnerability helped me reflect on the truth that all people are images of God. Each person must be loved, especially those who are marginalized by the world for they are also an important part of the human community. From my experience I have realized that my own community and cities have much need of similar voluntary and service efforts in order to make the world a better place one step and one life at a time.
As a result of reading the Divine Milieu and focusing on the words of Teilhard and other Theologians such as Brinkley and Ashley, I was able to recognize that one absolutely cannot separate faith life from daily life. I can now say that I have a much greater understanding that where love is God always is and this goodness which is present is what I believe makes us truly human. Since people were created to praise, reverence, and serve God through love, this must be done in our daily action. Religious traditions, practices, and sacraments are all vital pieces of our faith and spiritual journey, many of them which we do at Mass or in Church. However, if we are to fully respond to the call to service which is essentially the call to love, we must strive like Teilhard says to love in all that we do, wherever we are, day in and day out. By living life this way Christians are able to believe in God and fully participate as the Lord calls us to do so because we are able to get to know Jesus Christ. It did not surprise me to learn that the hope of the world stems from knowing Jesus because he lowered himself through love to redeem humankind, make us one again with the Father, and give us the example of what it means to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. For Jesus did say, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Therefore, this service trip to Dominica reminded me of these key components of our Christian faith and that there must be a metanoia, a change of my mind and heart. I believe that this happens each time I respond to the call to love through service. The interior changes that we make as people through dynamic cooperation, ultimately co-operating as persons verses individuals, is one way that structures of injustice are able to be crushed in our world and for the justice like that Martin Luther King stood for to reign supreme.
Lastly, the Ignatius Spiritual Exercises spoken of by Ashley and Father Beirne have impacted my life, my experience in Dominica, and my reflection on service as well. Ashley explains the importance of the Ignatius exercises in that they allow people to grasp God’s will in which the high point is Jesus Christ. They also help us as humans and Christians to understand how God’s will applies to our own historical situation so we can strive to do all things for God’s glory. Finally, the last part includes action, namely we are called to do something about what we experience in response to God’s will. This is what Ashley as well as Beirne argue is necessary in order to build up the Church, the City of God and promote Heaven on earth. I believe that it is God’s will that I do service work, based on the gifts that I have and my heart’s calling to love others in this way. Dominica certainly helped me have the opportunity to do this. Through my service in Dominica I began to grasp God’s will and how it applies to the historical situation in that country. I saw poverty, homeless people, the physically and mentally handicapped, as well as needy children. The reality is that there is a need for people to help in this country as well as other nations throughout the world, it is that simple. Then, through my action, after learning of some of the realities and reflecting, I was able to truly respond to the call to serve and love. In addition, through our action, Ekhart argues that we as people participate not only in the human community but in the very dynamic life of God. I believe that this was true for me in Dominica. The love I felt at the Alpha Center, the Homeless Shelter, and the Youth Center was extraordinary. Despite a negative comment and false understanding that was professed by one of the teachers at the Alpha Center about our LEAD Learning Community’s involvement in Dominica, I know what I and the rest of our group was doing was the right response. I can say that I have acted out of love for my neighbor and have positively responded to the call to love and serve for the greater glory of God.
In conclusion, the moral dilemma that we are faced with is that which is one where we must experience, recognize, and learn what makes us more or less human. Through my service in Dominica and reflecting upon it, I am certain that my humanity has begun to blossom. It is evident that service is not merely something that I do, but has become a part of who I am. I know that when I serve others as I did in Dominica; I am engulfed in God’s love and goodness. This is what I feel and have learned to recognize makes me a fuller human being. Although this world can be cruel, dark, and evil we must continue to have hope and do all we can to fight the sins of injustice, marginalization, and inequality all of which stem from a lack of love. These words I found on the wall of the Youth Center, they struck me and put things into perspective, “It’s not what happens to you in life that matters but what happens in you; because if what happens in you is right, what happens to you doesn’t matter.” Therefore, what this trip to a Dominica and interaction with a new culture has taught me is that I am called to act at all times through love, whether I be serving people in the Caribbean or serving people in my own community. I realize that I did not change Dominica per say, nor did I change the world through my works of ministry there. What I do believe is that this trip has helped me effect others through love in small ways. However, what might be even more important and far greater than that is the fact that I have begun an interior change in my own personhood. What I have begun to understand more clearly is that I, Dan Jason, am someone who cares about others, desires to love them, wants to love God in all actions of life to participate in the body of Christ because this is what makes me human and feel whole/holy. My hope is that for the remainder of my life I will continuously meditate on the words of Jesus through the Ignatius Spiritual exercises of prayer, action, and reflection in that Christ said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). If nothing else, Dominica has shown me love, to recognize love, respond to it; and in experiencing this love to know that I have experienced God.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dominica: A Call to Service Abroad

About a week ago I returned from a ten day service trip to Dominica, a small island in the Southern Caribbean. There is no doubt that this service trip which I embarked on with about 20 others from Le Moyne College was life changing. Every time I do service work I feel a great connection with both my fellow neighbor whom I am serving and most of all with God. However, there is something truly remarkable about doing missions trips abroad. For those of you who read my reflections on my service trip to Kenya, you already know how much that trip impacted me and gave me the burning desire to do yet another trip abroad. The opportunity that I had in Dominica was awesome. I was able to live simply, connect with Dominicans, serve some of the children there, and experience love in a profound way. Ultimatley, I learned that when we do all things for the glory of God, goodness and love are present, and when these two imperative factors are ever present in our lives we experience God.

Below are some journal entries describing the trip

5/19 To being with, after about twelve hours of travel we arrived in the Commonwealth of Dominica. The first person to greet us was our van driver Francis, a delightful man who drove us half way around the Island to Roseau, the city where we stayed. Francis had a smile on his face that meant a whole lot after such a long day and from the start showed the friendlyness of the people in Dominica. When we arrived at the Youth Center we were greated by Sister who had beds and rooms for us to stay. While laying in bed that first night I hoped that this trip would help me connect with my fellow students, the local people, and most of all God in a dynamic way. My goal during this trip was to be constantly open and available to others, whether it be my group or my neighbor in this new country, in hopes of encountering Love, namely God in all that I would do.

5/20 Today has been pure joy and just awesome. In the morning I went with four others on a thirty minute walk to the Alpha Center to work with the handicapped children. This is where we would spend the bulk of our time doing service. Each day we helped at the Alpha Center from 8:30-1pm when the school closed. During my time at the Alpha Center I worked one on one with a couple of students, Richcarde and Tyrone. When working with Richcarde, I helped him with his numbers from 1 to 100. I also helped him with understanding the days of the week, months of the year, and writing some basic facts about where he was born (Haiti) where he went to school, and where he lived. My time with Tyrone was focused on helping him write his name, especially writing his last name ALEXANDER, of which he struggled especially writing the letter "X". Both of these boys were an absolute joy to teach, they both got very excited when they accomplished the task ahead of them and were appreciative of my help. With that said, I also assisted some of the teachers in their classrooms. Each class is broken down into the ability of the students. Therefore a few days I helped with the younger students or those who are at the first grade level of learning. I also worked one on one with a boy named Michael and another boy named Navaldor. These two boys could not do too much when it comes to academics because of their mental capacity, however they enjoyed playing sports and working with blocks and counting. The staff at the Alpha Center, led by Sister Ruthena is outstanding. Their love and dedication to the students was clear from the start. I can say that the kids are certainly in good hands. Each morning before our daily activities we started the day with Assembly, where the children recite the national anthem and pledge. In addition, they sing a number of songs to begin their day with smiles, laughter, and fun. Some of them stood out for me such as LORD of the Dance, Good morning to You and all that you do Good morning Good Morning, Good morning to you..., Lean on Me, and Fill it up.

The handicapped school is a place where the children could come together and reallly have hope and just smile. It was a simple and at times unstructured, but gave them a purpose and allowed them to learn and have friends. Certainly the presence of Christ was in these children.

After going back to the Youth Center at 1pm, we had lunch which consisted of PB& J Sandwiches and then prepared to help in the after school program. Each day from 2:30-4pm, students from the Roseau Primary school came to get help with their homework. I was fortunate enough to help some students read, others work on their math, and even quiz a student while she studied for a test. Jelani, Precious, and Darlon were some of the kids that stand out for me. After we finished with the academics the kids would go outside and play. They taught us how to play cricket which is similar in some ways to baseball. We also spent time playing futbol, as well as listening to them sing Hannah Montana songs and Carry Underwood. This afternoon in particular we had spelling and Math contests on the blackboard for well over an hour, the kids eager to sharpen their skills and compete against their friends. In all that we did with the children, the smiles on their faces and knowing that they were having lots of fun was worth everything--it was priceless. Each night after simple dinners of rice, beans, vegetables, and fruit, we had class for a couple hours to reflect on our experiences and talk about them. By the end of the day I was tired, but always spent time with my group members in conversation or by playing apples to apples. We truly enjoyed each others company and I established nice friendships with all of them, of which I am truly grateful.

Today was another steller day. After a simple meal of oatmeal and peanutbutter and bread for breakfast I went to the Alpha Center. I spent a lot of time with one girl there named Yanela. We had a moment in teh morning during assembly after she arrived when she gave me a very long look and then an expression that told me she could use some extra love. Therefore, I decide to work in her class room and sit beside her. She never talked and was quite upset often, but when I sat next to her I could tell she liked have her back rubbed and this made her feel much better. One afternoon she just put her had on my lap and layed there, it was sad because you could tell she was in pain from something at home. This day we took the kids to the library in town where they had stories read to them, they all enjoyed this. When we got back it was snack time and Junior and some of the older kids made homemade cabbage soup, it was surprisingly delicious. Afterwards it was time for me and the rest of our group to teach some songs to the kids. We decided to teach them "Old McDonald Had a Farm" The children enjoyed singing and making animal noises; there wer many smiles and much laughter. The funniest thing was when Jamiem was asked what his favorite animal was and he responded, "A Dinosaur!!" Therefore, and on that Farm he had a....DINOSAUR...Haha that was great. Before leaving Alpha Center I spent time with Navaldor, a very small seven year old boy from Haiti doing the alphabet. He was so cute and loveable. When we got back to the Youth Center I worked with Jenali and each day helped him with his homework. We then were taught to play cricket and also played soccer. To cap off the afternoon we walked to the Botanical Gardens and then up Jacks walk, named after Jack Sparrow as Pirates of Caribbean II was filmed in Dominica. At the top of the hike we had a breathtaking view of Roseau.


Today we woke up and found out there was no water. Fortunately Dominica has good water and you are able to drink it from the tap. At first having no water was tough, but it was good becasue it made me appreciate and be thankful for something that I take for granted every day. Walking to the Alpha Center today I felt more welcomed than ever in Dominica, as we were no longer being viewed as intruders or tourists, but people began to see what we were doing and greeting us on our way. This was very important for me and the rest of our group. Although, we did come to realize that no matter what people thought about what we were doing, as long as we did it out of Love for God and our neighbor then we were doing the right thing. At the Alpha Center, we taught the kids to play "Duck Duck Goose." They absolutely loved running and chasing one another and had a thrill during this game. Today we took 12 of the older students to the River, where they charted the good and bad things, such as pollution or the beauty of nature. Then the kids went swimming and had an absolute blast. I really enjoyed talking to and spending time with Junior and Tyrone at the river and at Alpha. I also did activities and exchanged many smiles with Carissa who always was happy and happy to see us each day. In the afternoon I went to the Homeless shelter, this being the third and final part of our service project. The experience at the homeless shelter was my first and was good. We walked around and visited some of the people there. Then I sat down with another member of my group and talked to a lady and a gentleman for about an hour. I learned how important it was for the people there to have visitors and to take time to spend with them, especially because of the trivial dull life they live. It is sad because many of the people there have a mental disablility and it seems as if some of the Alpha Center kids will more than likely end up at the Shelter when they are older.


Today was a fulfilling and rewarding day, Saturday, we had a free day and I went with Andrew to hike the boiling lake. The boiling lake developed in the dormant volcano in Dominica, as the crater filled with water over the years and is thus boiling/bubbling due to the sulfic gases and heat coming from the earth's core. The five hour hike was awesome, pretty physically taxing and an adventure. It was a difficult hike as we had to scale some rock cliffsides and jump over sulfic bubbling streams/rivers. When we hiked the nature we expreienced was awesome, it was quiet and beautiful. When we got to the top it was well worth it to see one of the biggest crater lakes in the world. While hiking I talked to Andrew about many different things, the importance of my Faith, my relationship with God, and where I could see my life in the future where it was heading. My friendship with him has continued to increase which has been great. After returning we met up with the other half of the group which was staying in Portsmouth and did a short swim before dinner.


Today we went to Mass at the Cathedral. It was nice celebrating the Eucharist in Dominica. Today was a day of rest as we went snorkeling at Scottshead and spent time as a group for the entire day. When we got back I played a competitive game of futbol with two group members as well as 5 Dominicans who invited us to play on the Prime Ministers lawn. After dinner we wrote thank you letters to those who helped fun our trip and then shared stories and talked for hours with one another.

The rest of my time in Dominica was great. I kept going to Alpha Center in the mornings until 1pm, then tutored and played with the kids until 4pm and a couple other afternoons spent time talking to Clement a homeless man at the shelter. Each night we had class and then talked afterwards.

Leaving Dominica was difficult and emotional. We had made some good connections with the kids at the Alpha Center, the Youth Center children, as well as some people at the homeless shelter. During this trip I know that I did not change Dominica, nor in any way change the world. What I do know is that I experienced Love and in that Love I felt the presence of God. I learned how to live simply and how fulfilling this life can be. This trip put many things in perspective for me and I hope to do more service work this summer in my own community to impact the life of others. Ultimately, If we do all things for the Glory of God we cannot go wrong and will be filled with a deep JOY in our lives. I am grateful to have been able to go on this wonderful trip and hope that I will have many more opportunities such as this one in the years to come. I fell that this trip helped me get in touch with a part of my humanity that had been lacking. It is not always easy to serve and to be selfless but what I do know is that this makes us truly humble or human and in that we can love, receive love, and in this love connect with God in a dynamic way. We can therefore sing the song of the children at the Alpha Center, "Fill my cup let it over flow, now fill it up. Fill my cup let it over flow, fill it up. Fill my cup let it over flow, let it over flow with Love."

God bless!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Easter...He is Risen

It is the Easter season. Indeed, Christ has risen from the dead and has won a great victory. Jesus is triumphant over evil, sin, and death. As a result of the paschal mystery; the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord, we too are brought to new life in this Easter season with the conclusion of Lent, and are promised to be raised on the last day. Spring is a time of renewal, refreshment, growth. It is a time where the dead trees and plants are brought to the blossoming of new life after a cold hard winter. In these days of Easter may each of us remember the promise of the cross and that Jesus death was only the beginning of the triumphant victory which would ensue on the third day. This past week I heard an important message from a priest who said, "You say you are a Christian, is there enough evidence to convict you if you were brought to court?" This is a very interesting thing to reflect upon. Yes, like the song goes they will know we are Christians by our love. In this Easter season not only must we continue to give of ourselves to others through the Love of Christ, but we must focus even more on forgiving our fellow brothers and sisters. We all fail and fall short of the glory of God at times, but thanks be to God who through the incarnation of His Son, came to Save the world from sin and death and has brought us forth to new life. This new Life is a promise and gift to all who are willing to accept it. With it comes a challenge and life this way, walking in the light is not easy. However, by listening to God and his plan for us, which he reveals through our participation in the sacraments and our daily encounters with those around us we will be able to fully blossom into who we are created to be. It is through the forgiveness of others where we can bridge gaps that have caused anomosity and hardship in our human relationships. It is not always easy to forgive, but it must be done and not only that but we must also try our best to forget and move on. Life is too short to hold grudges and allow things to impact our lives and our relationships on the long term. In this Easter season, the Church urges us to embrace the new life that has been given to us through Christ's rising from the grave. It is the Church's hope that we were able to reform some of our old and bad habits during lent and have been able to start afresh, like the season of Spring. As Christians it is important to remember always who we represent and what our cause is during our lifetime. Jesus tells us during this time that "I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me in I in them will bear much fruit. For without me you can do nothing." (John 15:5) Let us remember that Jesus produces this good fruit in us when we trust in him and love not only our neighbors but our enemies as well. He is the risen Lord, he is the one who who will come again. Will you have enough evidence to convict you of being a Christian? Therefore, I urge you to live life to the fullest, enjoy each day, embrace challenges, love in all that you do, be grateful, and forgive. This is the way of the Cross, this is the way of the Christ. The way of the anointed one. It is not about being a nice person, but about being Holy. This Easter season is a great time for us to reflect and evaluate where we are at and to strive to be holy. For if we stay close to the vine, we are sure to produce good fruit in this world and be called Good and Faithful Servant when we rise to Eternal Life.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ash Wednesday the Journey Through Lent

John was called by the Lord to prepare the way of the Coming of the Christ. The Baptist made way for he who was to come in the desert. Through the Advent season Christ was born into our lives once again, filling us all with newness, hope, and love. As we continued through ordinary time we have heard in the readings the times when God called forth his Chosen people, such as Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Noah. Now we too are being called as Christ's chosen ones and it begins with the preparation for the Resurrection through this season of lent. The Lord has blessed us immensely with the love of His only begotten being born into the world and being sent into our lives once again. Now it is time for us to prepare the way of the Lord and the glorious day of the Easter rising of Jesus our Savior from death on the Cross to New Life. As Pope Benedict XVI has said, God's greatest gift to us is the Holy Spirit, which "gives us power from on high to be Christ's witnesses from the ends of the earth." During this forty day journey to Calvary and the Cross, we must follow the way of the Lord and the guidance of the Holy Spirit that has filled us with great joy, perseverence, hope, wisdom, and power to be ready for the nearness of God's Kingdom, the Coming of the Lord. Our faith is fulfilled in the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ Jesus through whom all good things come. Let us prepare our hearts during this time of Lent for the Coming of God in his Son incarnate who is with us now and will be forever, who loved us all so much that he was willing to die a death on the Cross to bridge the gap between humanity and God. Let us be aware of the many gifts God has granted us throughout our lives. Let us be ever so conscious to make our greatest effort to live humbly and closely to the Lord, especially in these coming days. Easter is certainly a great and liberating gift for us, the people God has chosen and callen to be with Him for all Eternity. Christ the renewal that we must trust in our lives. Jesus suffered for us becuase he loved us so much and we the body of Christ on earth must continue to do the works of charity and love throughout the world. I pray that during this season of Lent when we prepare for the Cross and the Ressurection, you all reach out your hand to God who is constantly reaching out to you. Join in the mission of the Church and the message of the Gospel that Jesus Christ is Lord and that we are his people, brothers and sisters who make up the universality of the blessing of Faith. Dear Lord give us the gift of your Holy Spirit that we may be faithful, hopeful, have understanding, wisdom, and love to prepare our hearts and one another during this journey to the Cross. May we keep our focus on you duirng Lent and know that we will be once again renewed in you, the one who is to rise again on Easter morning, so we too will rise with you on the last day with the coming of your Kingdom. May the ashes we recieve mark us with the sign of the faith that you have so graciously granted us, and may we do all things for your glory and honor. Amen!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Tebow: A Two Time National Champ, Heisman Trophy Winner, but even Better a Man of God

Tim Tebow continues to amaze football fans and Gator Nation ever time he takes the field. This Junior Quarterback has now led the Florida Gators to a National Championship, and their third in two years. Not to mention, Tebow should have won his second consecutive Heisman Trophy after another remarkable season. Last night, Tim faced adversity after throwing two interceptions after only throwing two picks for the entire season. Well, that bulletin board material about Tebow being only the fourth best QB if he played in the BIG XII, that came back to haunt the Sooners who learned how great Tim Tebow the man who wears #15 for the Gators really is. Tebow put the Gators on his shoulders in the second half, especially in the fourth quarter where he orchestrated two dominating drives that put Florida ahead and up for good. Finishing the game with over 230 yards passing and more than 100 on the ground, in addition to 2 touchdowns on the games biggest stage is nothing new for Tebow. With all this said and how great a football player and the fierce competitor that Tim is there is much more to this remarkable young man that speaks for the person he is. Yes, Tim Tebow guaranteed that his team would play harder than any other team for the rest of the year after Florida's one and only loss against Ole Miss. Yes, Tebow said that he would play better than he has played before. Yes, Tebow carried the Gators to the National Title. However, Tim Tebow is grateful that he has been given the opportunity to play football, and not only play the game he so dearly loves, but use it as a gateway to reach the out in the world through ministry, missionary work, and prayer. Tim Tebow is not your "normal" athlete on an athletics standard, let alone on a character level. This guy is special because he lives life to its fullest and gives all the Glory to God while on and off the field. Tim's number one passion in life is Christ and the relationship he has with the Lord. Football takes the back seat in Tim's life to one thing, Loving God and Loving Neighbor. It is just a pure blessing how Tim uses the game of football and the fame and attention that he has been given to share his love of the Lord Jesus Christ with the World. While many athletes who take the field or court at big time schools such as Florida live life in ways that do not send a good message to kids or teens, Tim is the role model that all can look up to. This guy who usually is seen in pads and a helmet has a much gentler side which includes going to the Philippines to do missionary work during spring break and other off season time. There, Tim has worked with orphaned children, the handicapped, and the sick. He brings joy to the lives of those he contacts because his heart is so big. Tim is by all means the fiercest competitor and this aspect of his character has carried over to ever part of his life. Furthermore, Tim competes for the Cross of Christ by living life for the Lord and by putting others before himself. By doing the missionary work abroad, as well as ministering to groups through his Church Community, Tim brings the Love and passion that he has for God to those around him and people throughout the world. Tebow makes a point to wear a scripture on his eye black for every game to spread the word and has pronounced that his favorite scripture is Philippians 4:13, "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." What a fitting piece of scripture, this humble servant of the Lord has his mind on God and the faith he lives out.
There has been much discussion whether Tim Tebow will return for a senior season. If this legend in the making does come back for one more year in Gainesville, he will become one of the greatest college football players ever. Although his future plans right now are not certain when it comes to the grid iron, Tim does have a plan that will impact hundreds of lives of children. Tim's family has developed and runs an orphanage for children and Tim plans to expand this mission work. With the millions of dollars that Tebow will make in the NFL whether this coming year or next, Tim will be able to positively affect the lives of so many orphaned children. His missionary work will be able to expand as well as he will be able to go to more places throughout this country and the world with the help of money and his fame. While many athletes squander the money that they make by playing professional sports by purchasing many expensive cars, houses, and other luxurious things, Tim Tebow is the rare athlete and Christian man who is planning to use the blessings he receives from the Lord to love others and create a better life physically and spiritually for his Christian brothers and sisters. We all have something to be grateful for. Tim is one modern day high profile "in the news" athletes and stars that is a disciple of Christ. God Bless Tim Tebow and the Works he continues to do.