1 Timothy 4:12
Reflection: Each of us as a Christian has a responsibility to be an example to those around us. When we go to our jobs each day let us make sure we get there on time, work hard, treat others with respect, and do the right thing all the time. When we live a life of love for God and put others first we are showing the world what being a disciple is all about. It does not matter if you are only 16 or if you are 60, conduct yourself worthy of your calling and let your faith speak volumes to the world. None of us is perfect and we will make mistakes, but it's important for us to own up to them, make things right, and then move forward. God is pleased with his servants who give their best each day and turn circumstances into opportunities. Pope Benedict XVI summed up what being a Christian who live out his or her calling is about in saying, "We were not made for comfort, we were made for greatness." This thing called life is not necessarily easy, but we have the greatest shepherd of all in Jesus to guide us along the way. So always remember that you are being watched and what you say and do truly matter. Be an example in a world that needs to see young and old living life morally and with love.
TEBOW for Greatness: As believers we have this responsibility to live our lives as an example for all to see. It is amazing how much people talk these days. Give them something to really talk about, be different. Tim Tebow, Heisman Trophy winner, two time national championship quarterback for the Florida Gators, and NFL player for the Broncos and Jets once said that we need to use every situation as a platform in life to share the message of Christ with others. Are we doing that daily? Tebow whether you like him or not, whether you think he is a good QB or do not believe so, he is living this out. The guy gets on the podium and thanks God, he is grateful for his successes and shares them with others. Tim has used his fame as a way to share his faith and why it's important to love God and neighbor. I am inspired by this guy so much because he is like a sports super hero. How many stories do you hear filling the newspapers and broadcasts of famous athletes getting caught doing drugs, committing crimes, being a poor example and bad role models. Not this guy. The media always wants to catch him off guard or trap him in his own words. Keep in mind, the Pharisees and people in the days of Jesus did this to our Lord. There will always be those out there who are critical, don't pay attention to them and don't let them stop you. Instead, Tim Tebow continues to represent I a good and positive way. His conduct on the field is an example, as he inspires his teammates through his NO QUIT attitude until 0:00 is left on the clock. He gives thanks and credits others for his success. Finally, he is superman in a jersey because not only does he perform on the grid iron, but he uses his NFL career, wealth and fame as a platform to love others. Through Tim's foundation and Team Tebow, he is able to build hospitals for orphans in the Philippines, serve and provide aid in orphanages. He flys sick and disadvantage fans in, visits with them and their family, and shares in a dinner with fans trough the Tim Tebow experience each week. This is an example and Tim would argue he is not doing anything super, but is just trying to share the love of Christ with others. I do believe he would say that it is cool to be a super man or woman for others.
(To lean more about Tim's ministry and to help out please visit: www.timtebowfoundation.org)
Our platforms might not be such grand scale. However, we do have gifts and talents to share. We all can be an example whether rich or poor. We don't have to be famous to make a difference or to make a splash. There are people around us every day who pay attention to the way we live. They will continue to pay attention, however it's up to us to give them something that will open their eyes to faith live out. If you are doing this I encourage you to keep going and keep on doing that good work. If we are improving and are refining, God will help us through what we struggle with. Who knows maybe someday your difficulty or struggle with a sin might be used as a way to help another brother or sister to overcome an area of weakness in their life. Friend, try your best and ask God for help. Live a life that when you die some day people will have to remember you after you are long gone. Be that example for the world to see. I will leave you with this quote, “When you die, there’s going to be a tombstone. It’s going to have your name, it’s going to have the year you were born, and it’s going to have the day you died. In between, there’s going to be a dash. And that dash is going to represent everything that you did in your life; good and bad. It’s how you’re remembered. What do you want your dash to represent?” ~Tim Tebow
Prayer: Dear Lord help me to be an example of what being a Christian is all about. Despite my age, whether young or old, help me to us every situation as an opportunity to love and lead others closer to you. May the world truly know we are Christians by our love. Send down your Holy Spirit to strengthen us that we may not give in to the peer pressures or lures of life. Allow us to keep our eyes on the prize and to know we will receive an eternal reward some day when we meet you in Heaven. Amen
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