John was called by the Lord to prepare the way of the Coming of the Christ. The Baptist made way for he who was to come in the desert. Through the Advent season Christ was born into our lives once again, filling us all with newness, hope, and love. As we continued through ordinary time we have heard in the readings the times when God called forth his Chosen people, such as Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Noah. Now we too are being called as Christ's chosen ones and it begins with the preparation for the Resurrection through this season of lent. The Lord has blessed us immensely with the love of His only begotten being born into the world and being sent into our lives once again. Now it is time for us to prepare the way of the Lord and the glorious day of the Easter rising of Jesus our Savior from death on the Cross to New Life. As Pope Benedict XVI has said, God's greatest gift to us is the Holy Spirit, which "gives us power from on high to be Christ's witnesses from the ends of the earth." During this forty day journey to Calvary and the Cross, we must follow the way of the Lord and the guidance of the Holy Spirit that has filled us with great joy, perseverence, hope, wisdom, and power to be ready for the nearness of God's Kingdom, the Coming of the Lord. Our faith is fulfilled in the birth, death, and resurrection of Christ Jesus through whom all good things come. Let us prepare our hearts during this time of Lent for the Coming of God in his Son incarnate who is with us now and will be forever, who loved us all so much that he was willing to die a death on the Cross to bridge the gap between humanity and God. Let us be aware of the many gifts God has granted us throughout our lives. Let us be ever so conscious to make our greatest effort to live humbly and closely to the Lord, especially in these coming days. Easter is certainly a great and liberating gift for us, the people God has chosen and callen to be with Him for all Eternity. Christ the renewal that we must trust in our lives. Jesus suffered for us becuase he loved us so much and we the body of Christ on earth must continue to do the works of charity and love throughout the world. I pray that during this season of Lent when we prepare for the Cross and the Ressurection, you all reach out your hand to God who is constantly reaching out to you. Join in the mission of the Church and the message of the Gospel that Jesus Christ is Lord and that we are his people, brothers and sisters who make up the universality of the blessing of Faith. Dear Lord give us the gift of your Holy Spirit that we may be faithful, hopeful, have understanding, wisdom, and love to prepare our hearts and one another during this journey to the Cross. May we keep our focus on you duirng Lent and know that we will be once again renewed in you, the one who is to rise again on Easter morning, so we too will rise with you on the last day with the coming of your Kingdom. May the ashes we recieve mark us with the sign of the faith that you have so graciously granted us, and may we do all things for your glory and honor. Amen!
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