Today we are in the 24th Sunday of ordinary time and we hear a message that certainly is not ordinary whatsoever. In the gospel John reminds us that Christ was sent for us as the expiation for our sin, in order to rescue us from the snares of damnation to the abundant life after death. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." (John 3:16-17). This is the message of salvation, the reason why the Savior came to the world, to bring us from death to life through this incredible act of love. Love was ever present and God displayed this love for the world when he brought human kind into creation by making us from the dirt of the earth into living beings by blowing life into us, giving us our spirit. Adam and Eve betrayed God by eating of the forbidden tree, however Christ atoned for the sin by dying on this not so ordinary tree some 2,000 years ago. We live in this world a world that at times sees us as ordinary, yet we are more than what the eyes can see. Yes, we are body, but we are more than this. The flesh which we bare has no real meaning other than being the place which holds our spirit and soul. It is ever so important for us to never judge the outside of one but the contents of the heart because that is where the truth to a man or woman whom has been created in the image of God remains. The fruit of our spirit is where the essence of whom we are is and continues to develop in this world. We must continue to keep the cross, that not so ordinary tree, at our side and at the center of our life. In this world we are promised that we will have trouble as Job 14:1 proclaims, "Man born of woman
is of few days and full of trouble." Indeed we are human and with this we will have hardship and struggle in this age, however we must remember that our Lord Jesus went through the same troubles and temptations that we face, yet he conquered all without sin. How wonderful it is for us to be linked to this Savior, we was both human and divine. We can relate to him and our Lord Christ can relate to us and plead to the Father that God Almighty must remain patient with us. By bestowing this not so ordinary attitude of the wood of the cross, that expiating tree and message of life that we hear from John's gospel, there is no doubt that we can overcome all of this trouble through, faith, hope, and love in Jesus Christ. For human life is a segment of creation in which we a body, soul, and spirit are ignited and sustained by God through his Son Jesus Christ. This life we must remember has much purpose and is for serving and loving God and neighbor, as it is in the world to come which we will prosper fully and rejoice in our Heavenly Home. Thanks be to God, for the faith we receive through grace which has come to us by way of Christ Jesus our Savior and Lord. So times are never ordinary when Christ is by our side, we are linked to a not so ordinary tree which is the Cross, the sign of our faith. The message is clear and proclaimed perfectly by Saint Paul who said, "To live is for Christ, to die is gain." (Philippians 1:21). In this world we will have trouble, but we also have a Savior who gives to us and sustains us, being willing to live and help us through our tough times. We are the flock in the fold and he is our Shepherd, so long as we live for Christ here on earth we shall gain life everlasting in the world to come.
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