I have a dream.
I say to you my brothers and sisters, that although times are tough, we can win this fight against the enemy, Satan.
I have a dream that every man and woman will return to our Father's house in Heaven. The Gates are open and all of our names are to be written in the book of life. "I am your creator. You were in my care even before you were born," said the God. For we can be with him in Everlasting happiness, where everyone is made like Christ.
I have a dream that all people who were created by God, His Children, learn to love, serve, believe in, trust in, hope in, and know the Lord. I dream that all people have faith in god teh Father and his only Son Jesus Christ.
I have a dream that all people win the fight which is worth fighting and worth winning. That all are saved and walk with the light of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God and rejoice in his Heavenly Kingdom forever.
I have a dream that all bow down to God now in this life and in the one to come and proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and King. I dream that we all will end up in the Glory and radiance of the Lord and honor and serve him in celebration for eternity.
I have a dream that we all are healed of our impurities and return home to Aba, our Father. With the hard work of God's Disciples and all who do his works throughout the world, we all can live in the spectacular Savior's Mansion, our Father's Sanctuary.
I have a dream and it can come true because God is helping us continuously each and every day. God invites all to the everlasting party and provides directions for the journey. It is just a matter of us putting our trust in him and doing what he wills so we can make it. It is a matter of grace, a free gift given to us through the pouring out of the Love and Passion in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who was crucified, died on the cross, and raised, so all may live. It starts with you. You must begin by living God's will. You can do it, but only with the help of the Lord your God who has countless love and mercy Live for Christ because He is the reason we have the ability to share everlasting life. "For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) "For the Son of Man came to seek and save what was lost." (Luke 19:10) God has created us all individually and we are made perfect like Jesus Himself when we enter the Heavenly Kingdom. "Everything started with Him, and it finds its purpose in Him." (Colossians 1:16b) For God has always loved us and will forever. We must seek the never-ending Palace above and return to our Father. "I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born." (Isaiah 44:2)
I have a dream that in the end all will eat at the table of God and celebrate the banquet with Christ Himself as well as with all the angels and saints. By eating His body and drinking His blood we here on earth celebrate the New and Everlasting Covenant. When we someday do so in Heaven we will celebrate along with Jesus and our Father, the spiritual food and drink for eternity. We are all here on his planet for a reason. This reason is to live to love and live to serve both God and our brothers and sisters throughout the world.
I have a dream that every human being God has made will take up their cross and walk in the light of Christ. There is truly nothing better than eternal life with the One who made us all. The rewards are endless and no matter who you are or where you are from you too can get to Heaven thanks to God's abundant grace and gift of faith. One must believe in their heart that Jesus is Lord , that he rose from the dead, and have love, faith , trust, hope, and commitment to the Gospel. Come and follow Jesus Christ who has paved the road of salvation, for he our Lord and King is the Good Shepherd and we are His Sheep.
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