St. Dunstun lived in England during the time of the Reformation...He was a Blacksmith by trade and was the best at his trade...One night the Devil came to St. Dunstun's village...As he was walking down the cobblestone streets a rider came by at top speed with sparks flying off of his horses shoes as he sped through town...The Devil immediately noticed this display and lusted for a pair of shoes to equal the horseman's...As he strolled down the street he came across the Blacksmith Shop of St. Dunstun...Now, The Devil being as deceitful as he is realized he could not wander into the Saint's shop without be detected, So, He disguised himself as a beautiful woman in a long dress...As he entered St. Dunstun's shop he began to tempt the Saint with sexual innuendos believing that he could tempt the Saint into making him a pair of exquisite shoes for his hooves...But when the Devil bent over to pickup one of
the used horseshoes on the floor of St Dunstan's shop, The back of his dress lifted just enough for St. Dunstun to see his hooves...St. Dunstun immediately recognized the Devil and agreed to make him the most glorious pair of sparking shoes ever-made...He toiled for hours and just as he beat the last shoe into finished form he grabbed the Devil by the hoof and tied him to a chair...He then proceeded to nail the Red-hot horseshoe's to the Devil's Hooves...As the burning white hot shoes were being applied the Devil screeched in agony and as the nails were driven in, The Devil pleaded with St. Dunstun to remove them immediately...However, The Saint, Being as wise as he was saintly, Took out a piece of parchment and made the Devil sign a contract in his own blood to never enter a House, Building or Person where a horseshoe is displayed or in possession...The Devil quickly agreed to St. Dunstuns terms, But St. Dunstun was not finished he made the devil
promise to immediately leave his shop and never enter his presence again...The Devil nodded in defeat...Only then did St. Dunstun remove his shoes very slowly...That is why to this day, A House with a horseshoe displayed over the door mantle will make the Devil run in fear...Or a person with a piece of an old horseshoe in there possession will turn his head every time.