Throughout life we go through ups and downs, but regardless of how good or bad things can be we must have a consistent foundation if we hope to walk in the light each day. A house built on sand is weak and will collapse, while one built on rock will withstand all the tests of time. As Christians we must build our house, namely ourselves on the Rock who is Jesus Christ. The foundation of faith in Christ is solid and cannot falter it will never fail and if we remain faithful we will stand strong forever. Those who choose to build their house on God do not have to worry about the troubles and tribulations that come in life because through Christ we can overcome all because our Lord is all. For building our foundation on the Rock which is the Lord of Glory provides the only way to withstand the Devil's attempt to destroy our house, which is our Spirit. The Holy Spirit which is the advocate sent to us by way of the Father gives us the strength and reinforcement each day so that our Rock can never crumble. Although at times our foundation can be shaken, it can never be uprooted and destroyed so long as we rely, trust, and believe on Christ who is solid and makes us solid. So when you are weary and need rest go to the Lord and when you feel weak remember that you are strong because with Jesus in your heart you are set upon solid Rock that cannot and will not be destroyed. Christ proclaims it best in the Gospel, "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world." Let us remember that we can do all and overcome all through the Lord who is the Rock that provides the solid foundation of faith that has been, is, and always will be. Life on the ROCK is the solid choice, it can be hard at times but it will not break and shall last forever.
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