Sunday, June 22, 2008
New Covenant
Jesus has freed us from the bondage of sin and has promised us that we are no longer under the law, but that we must obey one commandment to love God and love our neighbor. When we follow this command and live as people of the New Covenant, we certainly fulfill the old one and the law of Moses and go beyond to live out Christian love. It takes a big effort to resist the temptations and hardships in life. There are physical struggles that we go through and must deal with such as losing a loved one, or financial burdens, however the things we must be more concerned about are the moral struggles. The small moral struggles are very tough to overcome if we do not nip them in the bud early on. When things get too big and we become too comfortable with them it is extremely hard to deal with them and we can lose much of our relationship with God and with our neighbor. With Jesus at the center of our life we can overcome all things and will get back on the right track when things go south so long as we keep our trust in Him, are persistent, and do not give the Devil any ground. We must be willing to fit as much as possible the hardships and temptations we struggle, just do not give in. If we do give in and fall away from the Lord, be certain that He still loves us the same and will call us back to Himself. At times such as these we must be willing to do away with the things that are causing our separation from God. When we do this and get back on track, walking in the light and by loving God and neighbor on a daily basis we will be relieved of the burdens of the world. Not only will we be able to live more at peace and have a good conscience because our morals and values are in line with what God wants of us, we will also be able to confidently say and live out the Gospel on a daily basis. There is nothing better than knowing that we are people of God and Children of the Lord who made us, who is with us, and who is in us. When times are tough and you need help call to the Lord for He will send His Holy Spirit and fill you with Joy and lasting peace. For in this world we will struggle but we must remember that the victory goes beyond this earthly life and it is our hope and joy to triumph with Christ in Heaven. Eternal Life is available to all people thanks to the gracious act Christ Jesus did to free us from our sin and open the gates of Eternity. Therefore, the New Covenant has been made, the blood has been shed. We are no longer living in darkness but in the light of life. May God be our guide and lead us away from all sin and evil and to the joy of Christ where we live in blessed love of God and neighbor in all that we do.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Who are my Brothers and Sisters?

Many times Christians misunderstand whom is meant when Jesus says love your neighbor and love your brothers and sisters. As Christians we are called to love all people, whether they are fellow believers or are Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, or do not believe in God at all. By loving all people and treating everyone we come in contact with through genuine love we show them the love of Jesus Christ. It is important for us Christians to remember that our Lord Jesus loved all people, especially those who were outcasts, the lame, the crippled, the blind, tax collectors, and sinners. Therefore, we must follow the Lord's lead and love all people whomever and wherever they may be. Christian love does not shun or put down people because their faith or beliefs are different but it is a warm welcome and a brotherly kindness and care that is shown to strangers and friends alike. One must never force his faith on another person but be willing to teach and preach the word of God to his fellow man when he wishes to learn the message of salvation. We must always do our best to be inviting and not drive people away from the Cross of the Lord of Glory. Whether one is Christian or not, this should not affect how we treat them and love them. For it is by accepting all people for who they are where Christian brotherhood can come into affect most certainly. This does not mean that we have to necessarily agree with what others believe, but we must treat them with respect and not say that we are right and others wrong. Encourage one another to walk the way of Christ each day because this is how both fellow Christians and non believers will see the face of God. We also must remember that we do not know how people of other religions or even other Christians interact with God on a daily basis. A relationship with God is communal, but also very personal and by being non judgmental we can assure that we will not make enemies but only friends. Therefore, let the Holy Spirit guide you to speak and live the Gospel each day in order to love all your brothers and sisters. For Jesus calls us to live love and in order to do so we must be willing to love all people whether they are Christian or not. Many times we would be surprised at how close to God people are we just have to love them and give them a chance.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Life on the ROCK

Throughout life we go through ups and downs, but regardless of how good or bad things can be we must have a consistent foundation if we hope to walk in the light each day. A house built on sand is weak and will collapse, while one built on rock will withstand all the tests of time. As Christians we must build our house, namely ourselves on the Rock who is Jesus Christ. The foundation of faith in Christ is solid and cannot falter it will never fail and if we remain faithful we will stand strong forever. Those who choose to build their house on God do not have to worry about the troubles and tribulations that come in life because through Christ we can overcome all because our Lord is all. For building our foundation on the Rock which is the Lord of Glory provides the only way to withstand the Devil's attempt to destroy our house, which is our Spirit. The Holy Spirit which is the advocate sent to us by way of the Father gives us the strength and reinforcement each day so that our Rock can never crumble. Although at times our foundation can be shaken, it can never be uprooted and destroyed so long as we rely, trust, and believe on Christ who is solid and makes us solid. So when you are weary and need rest go to the Lord and when you feel weak remember that you are strong because with Jesus in your heart you are set upon solid Rock that cannot and will not be destroyed. Christ proclaims it best in the Gospel, "In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world." Let us remember that we can do all and overcome all through the Lord who is the Rock that provides the solid foundation of faith that has been, is, and always will be. Life on the ROCK is the solid choice, it can be hard at times but it will not break and shall last forever.
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