Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, as Jesus enters triumphantly into Jerusalem. We hear the proclamation "Hosannah to the Son of David!" and "Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord!" As Christians, we must remember that Jesus is our Lord who overcame all obstacles, including crucifixion and death, conquering both by way of the resurrection. Holy Week is a time for us to reflect upon lent, how we have grown as Christians and where we look to continue to improve, being born from death to new life in the resurrection. There is no doubt that Christ is present with us now, as he was with the disciples two thousand years ago. Jesus is here in our midst and when we proclaim the Gospel of the Lord and shout and proclaim that Christ is King, we too are on our way toward being resurrected and united with our Lord for all eternity. Palm Sunday reminds us that Christ is the vine and we are the branches, that we too like our Lord and Savior carry the cross every day in our lives. The intensity of the passion must have magnified for our Lord as he faced the Sanhedrin and Pontious Pilate. Barbas, a man who was the true criminal was released to the people upon request, while the innocent one died out of love for humanity. Christ is the Messiah, the "anointed one" who came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for all. Like the scriptures say "He humbled himself to obey death, even death on a cross." May we take this humility to the for front of our lives and into a world which is plagued with pride, injustice, hatred, and violence. May Christ continue to be our light, as we can and will overcome all evil and darkness with the Good Shepherd at our side. For Jesus is the "Way, the Truth, and the Life," as no one can reach the Father except through Christ. During this holy week let us continue to follow the way of the Cross, the Truth which rests in God, and the Life which is not earthly but is spiritual and eternal. Someday we too hope to enter the gates of the New Jerusalem to share in the glory and love of God in unity with the Holy Spirit and Jesus the Christ our everlasting King forever and ever. May we be not afraid and hold high the Cross, knowing that we are called to holiness only obtainable by means of the grace of our Lord and by humble servitude called love.
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