In today's Gospel we hear the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Lazarus had been dead for over four days and his sisters Mary and Martha were very upset that the Lord did not come in time to prevent their sick brother from death. Jesus, a friend of Lazarus himself, told the women that their brother would be raised if they only believed. Martha said to the Lord, "I know he will rise,in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus told her, "I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live,and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die" Because Martha and her sister believed, Jesus brought Lazarus back to life, raising him from the dead. It is important to understand that Jesus told the women to role the stone in front of the tomb, that their brother might come out. The women who told the Lord they did believe, still were confused because their brother had been dead for over four days, they said the stench would be awful. Jesus yet again assured them by reminding them of what He told them, that if they believed their brother would be brought again to life. Sure enough, Jesus completed the miracle as He said, "Lazarus, Come Out!" The dead man arose and came out of the tomb with burial clothes tied around him. This miracle performed by Jesus tells us much about our own salvation. We are all dead at times because of sin in our lives. Christ calls us from death to life and ensures that Salvation is a free gift that is ours if we say Yes to it. Christ came so that all would be saved, that humanity would be reconciled from the separation from God caused by sin. The crucifixion and ultimate love that Jesus showed on the Cross is the invitation to all that salvation is ours if we want it. It is by the grace of God, through the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ and the mystery of the Cross and Resurrection that all are called to salvation in the Lord. Like the Gospel says, this is a free gift given to all. Our life mission is to accept the invitation and say yes to this call to salvation. The Gospel explains that salvation and eternal life is ours as a gift from God, we just have to be willing to receive it. Those who do not say yes and take up their cross and live life in a constant effort to love God and neighbor, and by relying on God's grace are those who are invited, but not chosen because they themselves choose not to be saved. On the other hand, those who say yes to the call and respond positively working to gain relationship with God through prayer, sacraments, service, love, and sacrifice are invited and chosen. Therefore, it is not God who condemns, but we who condemn our selves. God loves us all and wants us to be with Him forever in Paradise, that is why He sent His Son so that this might be fulfilled. Yet, it is up to us as Christians to say yes to this graceful and loving invitation. For that is why the Lord tells us that, "Many are invited, but few are chosen." (Matthew 22:14) All of us are invited to the banquet of everlasting life, unfortunately only few choose God over the world and say yes to the call. Remember that the invitation is yours, it is never too late, pick up your cross today and walk in the light that leads to life. Be a disciple of Jesus Christ and you are promised the Heavenly Kingdom, Eternal Life!!! May the grace of the Lord be upon you and may the Holy Spirit dwell within you always, for as the Father Has Love the Son so also does He Love YOU.