Kenya is a country where millions of people live in poverty. However, in order to get a grasp of what poverty is like in this third world country opposed to the poor areas of the United States, one must be willing to listen and face reality. There are over 5 different slums surrounding the Nairobi region of Kenya these including Kariobangi, Dandura, Karangwari, Kangemi, and Kibera. Most of these slums are home to over 200,000 people with the largest containing over a million. The poor in Kenya live in terrible conditions and things will only get worse if more action does not take place. There is no running water, no sewage, minimal electricity, and no sanitation. As a result of no place to dispose of human waste, the people go to the bathroom in the streets, around the corner of houses, and in the fields. Therefore the lack of bathrooms has resulted in a breeding ground for disease. Furthermore, because there is no running water the people have to walk far distances to fetch water from rivers and streams. There may be a few water pumps in different areas of the slums, but I walked through all five of the poor areas and did not once see a water well or tap. The water fetched from the streams and rivers is quite dirty, mostly yellow in color and if one does get lucky enough to receive some water from an outdoor tap it is almost always contaminated because of the pollution and high water table. Not only do these people have to wash themselves with this dirty water, many must drink it too because this is one of their sources of beverages as many cannot afford bottle water let alone other liquids. With minimal electricity in a house, this provides another challenge for these people. There may be one light in an entire house, while other homes in the slums have no electricity whatsoever.
To compound the problems even more, the people live in small shacks the size of maybe a 40 square foot area, some slightly bigger (the size of a mid size kitchen in the U.S.). There is only enough room to sit in the home for a couple people at a time, as the bed room which takes up the majority of the house is shut by a curtain. Most homes have anywhere from 5-10 children and one women had 15. I couldn't imagine living with 10 kids in my 2,000+ square foot home, let alone one less than 60 square feet.
Food is most definitely one of the biggest problems as many families do not have enough for all of the children. One of the main reasons why there is poverty and malnutrition in Kenya is because there is an extremely high unemployment rate. Hundreds of thousands of people do not have jobs, not because they can't work, but because there are no places to work. The city becomes more crowded every year and this means that there are less and less job opportunities. The jobs that people do have include selling fruits and vegetables, making and shining shoes, metal worker (welder), wood working (furniture), hair salon, clothing stand, field clearer, construction worker, matatu (van) driver, butchery, char coal salesman, bike making and repair, and coca cola stand operator.
It is evident that many Kenyans are a part of a darkened world living in despair. They try to survive on a day to day basis and do not know whether they will have a better life tomorrow. However, what they do know is that God loves them very much and that they do

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