Kids are certainly an incredible blessing from God. Children are the fruit of the whomb and the creation of the Lord through man and woman. There is no doubt that children are special and that they are the future. Unfortunately, our culture has been shaped in a negative way as many of us continue to race race race through our days, focus on the tasks we have, our works obligations. However, we are missing an intricate and extremely important part, spending time with our children. Many of us have children of our own, some of us are not yet parents. Whatever the case may be, it is so essential for our well being and our children's well being to spend time with them, show them we care, and give them time each day to grow in Love with us. We must constantly remember that where love and goodness are found, God is present. Jesus had a special place in his heart for the "little ones," the children of his time. He understood how important they were to our world and how the love we share with them can impact their lives now, and ultimately their future. By taking time each day to play with kids, listen to them, talk with them, and enjoy their company not only do we impact their life, but we receieve an incredible gift of grace and peace in our own lives. Often, parents or syblings of small children will keep track of time by looking at their watches or a clock, instead, we should just concentrate on devote our whole selves to the moments we are with these little ones.
Furthermore, the youth of our generation is troubled at times due to an increase in underaged drinking, drugs, and premarital sex. We must spend adequate time with the youth and show them that we love and care them as well. Many of us shy away from youth or children who have problems, when ultimtately these are the ones we must spend more and more time with to help them grow and develop as people in this world. It is not always easy, but in the long run it is more times than not beneficial to the one we help and to our own well being. Certainly God continues to bless those who help others.
Time is definitely a precious gift. What we do with the time we have is vital to our own well being and the well being of others. Who we spend our time with and what we do with those people is what will ultimately define who we are. For a wise Priest once said, "Love is about giving what one has, and what one is to those one loves." If we can take this attitude and be positive, nowing that we do have a chance to impact just one life at a time to make the world a better place, then we are on the track to victory. Take time to be a dad, mom, Grandfather, Grandmother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, or friend of a child today. You certainly will not be disappointed and you are sure to see a smile on the face of the kid that you took time to LOVE. Just remember, where love and goodness of heart is, there God is smiling back at you! We are all children of God, let us take time to Love a Child today.