Tim Tebow continues to amaze football fans and Gator Nation ever time he takes the field. This Junior Quarterback has now led the Florida Gators to a National Championship, and their third in two years. Not to mention, Tebow should have won his second consecutive Heisman Trophy after another remarkable season. Last night, Tim faced adversity after throwing two interceptions after only throwing two picks for the entire season. Well, that bulletin board material about Tebow being only the fourth best QB if he played in the BIG XII, that came back to haunt the Sooners who learned how great Tim Tebow the man who wears #15 for the Gators really is. Tebow put the Gators on his shoulders in the second half, especially in the fourth quarter where he orchestrated two dominating drives that put Florida ahead and up for good. Finishing the game with over 230 yards passing and more than 100 on the ground, in addition to 2 touchdowns on the games biggest stage is nothing new for Tebow. With all this said and how great a football player and the fierce competitor that Tim is there is much more to this remarkable young man that speaks for the person he is. Yes, Tim Tebow guaranteed that his team would play harder than any other team for the rest of the year after Florida's one and only loss against Ole Miss. Yes, Tebow said that he would play better than he has played before. Yes, Tebow carried the Gators to the National Title. However, Tim Tebow is grateful that he has been given the opportunity to play football, and not only play the game he so dearly loves, but use it as a gateway to reach the out in the world through ministry, missionary work, and prayer. Tim Tebow is not your "normal" athlete on an athletics standard, let alone on a character level. This guy is special because he lives life to its fullest and gives all the Glory to God while on and off the field. Tim's number one passion in life is Christ and the relationship he has with the Lord. Football takes the back seat in Tim's life to one thing, Loving God and Loving Neighbor. It is just a pure blessing how Tim uses the game of football and the fame and attention that he has been given to share his love of the Lord Jesus Christ with the World. While many athletes who take the field or court at big time schools such as Florida live life in ways that do not send a good message to kids or teens, Tim is the role model that all can look up to. This guy who usually is seen in pads and a helmet has a much gentler side which includes going to the Philippines to do missionary work during spring break and other off season time. There, Tim has worked with orphaned children, the handicapped, and the sick. He brings joy to the lives of those he contacts because his heart is so big. Tim is by all means the fiercest competitor and this aspect of his character has carried over to ever part of his life. Furthermore, Tim competes for the Cross of Christ by living life for the Lord and by putting others before himself. By doing the missionary work abroad, as well as ministering to groups through his Church Community, Tim brings the Love and passion that he has for God to those around him and people throughout the world. Tebow makes a point to wear a scripture on his eye black for every game to spread the word and has pronounced that his favorite scripture is Philippians 4:13, "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." What a fitting piece of scripture, this humble servant of the Lord has his mind on God and the faith he lives out.
There has been much discussion whether Tim Tebow will return for a senior season. If this legend in the making does come back for one more year in Gainesville, he will become one of the greatest college football players ever. Although his future plans right now are not certain when it comes to the grid iron, Tim does have a plan that will impact hundreds of lives of children. Tim's family has developed and runs an orphanage for children and Tim plans to expand this mission work. With the millions of dollars that Tebow will make in the NFL whether this coming year or next, Tim will be able to positively affect the lives of so many orphaned children. His missionary work will be able to expand as well as he will be able to go to more places throughout this country and the world with the help of money and his fame. While many athletes squander the money that they make by playing professional sports by purchasing many expensive cars, houses, and other luxurious things, Tim Tebow is the rare athlete and Christian man who is planning to use the blessings he receives from the Lord to love others and create a better life physically and spiritually for his Christian brothers and sisters. We all have something to be grateful for. Tim is one modern day high profile "in the news" athletes and stars that is a disciple of Christ. God Bless Tim Tebow and the Works he continues to do.