Emanuel has come, "God is among us." Jesus Christ, the Savior is born!!!
Nara Matha...Come Lord Jesus. Yes indeed it is Christmas and we welcome into the world Jesus Christ, the Lord born of the Blessed Virgin Mary. He is in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger, blessed the Son of David is here. Let us this Christmas remember the meaning of our Christ's coming and birth. There is no doubt that without the beautiful birth of our Lord into the world there could have been no salvation. Thus, the birth of Jesus marks a wonderful beginning to the New Year. He is the ultimate gift from the Father, the full expression of love who gave his everything to us to redeem us and save us. Certainly, we will receive some gifts this Christmas, but let us constantly remember that Christ Jesus is the most blessed gift that we have received and continue to receive during this Christmas season. Thanks be to God for a precious gift of a babe who is holy and infant so tender and mild. It is extraordinary to think about our Lord sharing in our own humanity, truly and fully human yet also our powerful and saving God. What a beautiful image it is to go back into the wilderness and journey that Mary and Joseph journeyed to get to that manger where they were met by Shepherds, Wisemen, and the Angels. This Christmas, let us remember, that is re-experience the birth of our Lord by Listening to the Word the Logos and placing ourselves among those who celebrate the coming of the Christ. What better way to celebrate Christmas than by going to Mass and receiving Christ in the flesh by way of the Eucharist. Not only do we recognize and remember his birth, but enter into the reality that he once a baby was brought into this world with one purpose to share the Love of the Father through his Blood, Cross, Death, and Resurrection. May you this Christmas see Jesus in the friends and family that you celebrate with. Remember the love that God calls us to share in not only on this wondrous day but throughout the Liturgical year. Behold a child has been born, Salvation has come to the house and line of David. Jesus the Christ, the Savior has come into the world. Therefore, let us remember during this Advent time and Christmas the coming of Jesus, not only in this day, but knowing in full confidence that he will come again!!! NARA MATHA...."Come Lord Jesus!!!" Bring us Home. May the blessing of almighty God and the peace and fellowship of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit be with you always brothers and sisters. Peace and Merry Christmas.