There is no doubt that Cancer is a leading cause of death, it robs tens of thousands of people their life every year. Cancer is one battle that the human community faces and must continue to fight against in hopes of one day being triumphant as a whole. Lance Armstrong is one man who said no toward allowing Cancer to control his life let alone ruin it. The miraculous story of Armstrong who has conquered Cancer and in the meantime won countless Tour de France titles, is something we all must reflect upon. The message, LiveSTRONG is something that we as people must all endorse and live by.
I joined the support of LiveStrong because of the need to fight the devastating disease that is CANCER. Cancer has taken so many from this world, including my grandfather and I have a few friends who continue to LiveSTRONG and battle. Jim Valvano, a legendary basketball coach who battled Cancer and ended up dying due to the disease once said, "Don't Give Up, You Must Never Give Up!" This message along with the message and will of Lance Armstrong and his incredible triumph and great success story is one reason why I endorse the LiveSTRONG message.
Furthermore, I endorse LiveSTRONG because we all face difficulties in our lives, where different obstacles test us throughout this race we run called life. Essentially it must be ingrained in our will to overcome and be triumphant in life and this is only possible if we too LiveSTRONG. Whether the battle we face is Cancer, AIDS, or any other physical ailment, alcoholism, drug addiction, hardships in our family and/or community, we all face things that are hard and test our will and ability to plug on and not give up. These battles are the crosses we carry, we must accept that they are real and that they challenge us continuously, however we must not be complacent or accept that our situation is too difficult to overcome, but we must be proactive and aggressive toward liberation and life lived the LiveSTRONG way. The LiveSTRONG way is a life that can accept failure and even death in the case of a disease such as Cancer, however it cannot accept not trying to battle for our life, mental stability, and peace we all deserve as Children of God. We cannot ever give up, this would be the worst that any of us could decide to do. The LiveSTRONG way is about living life with a positive attitude with the "no quit" mindset that nothing is too big to overcome, but all things are possible for us because we all must realize that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13).
LiveSTRONG is a message that is applicable to all of us. We face devastating obstacles such as Cancer every day. Some are more difficult than others, however we cannot do it alone. LiveSTRONG is a collective response to our human situation and our own situations. As a community and as a collective whole we as people united under the LiveSTRONG mindset will conquer all things, as we must always remember to LiveSTRONG---Live, knowing life is always worth fighting for and living, and STRONG---we must stay Strong in Christ who is our Savior and Lord who liberates us from our burdens, " In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33) "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:30). LiveSTRONG!!!