Sunday, May 18, 2008
Trust the Lord For He Will Lead You to Life
In today's gospel we hear the message of John who proclaims the promise of life if we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him might not perish, but might have Eternal Life" (John 3:16). Faith is a gift from God freely given to us. We have this gift and must use it, putting our trust and believing in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who came and redeemed the world. God so loved us that He gave His only Son to us in order to cleanse humanity from sin and death and free us to salvation and Eternal Life. There are times in our lives when we feel quite alone, but we must always remember that it is at these times that God is most present to us. The Lord is always there, we must look for Him in prayer, in others, and in the scriptures. The Good Shepherd will not leave our side so long as we believe and continue to trust in Him. For the word says that He will not betray us, even though we have betrayed Him time after time by committing sin. As Christians we have failed, but we have grown and are continuing to triumph over the evils of the world and the darkness around us. Christ is the light that shines forth and brings Glad Tidings and Peace to the Earth. With Jesus at our Side and in our hearts no evil can snatch us from the the Hands of our Loving Creator. Life is filled with obstacles and times when we have to move on to new experiences and challenges. We must remember that we are not alone and that God is forever with us along the journey of life. We have the support of our friends and families, the community of the Church, and most of all and most importantly the Lord who is always reliable. By trusting in God and the Love and fellowship of His Son Jesus Christ, and being empowered by the Spirit it is us Christians who have the Key to Eternal Life. For the Lord promises all those who believe the Kingdom of God, being in the presence of our Maker for all Eternity. By trusting this belief turns into acts of love, essentially where our Christian faith is put into action. We proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ through what we do and how we do it. Therefore, it is so important that we take this free gift God has granted us and use it, trusting the Lord and living life to its fullest as we spread the Love of Christ throughout the world in all that we do. It is true that "What we do in life echoes through all Eternity." Trust that you are never alone and that by Faith you have received grace, this grace through the strength of the Spirit enabling you to do whatever the Lord calls you to. The road is not easy because many times it hurts to love. Jesus knew this, as He died on the Cross for us so that we may Live with Him and be made at one with God. Now it is our turn to trust in God and to sacrifice in order to love one another and our Lord. "If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me" (Luke 9:23). The message is clear the path straight, our God reliable, trust that you are a disciple of Christ. For God promises us "I will not leave you orphans" (John 14:18). We are not alone we are protected by the Lord here in this World and Forever so long as we trust, love, and believe.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Pentecost Sunday

"Lord Send down your Spirit and renew the face of the Earth!" This is the message of Pentecost Sunday, as we celebrate the 50 days after the Lord's resurrection from the dead. Pentecost marks the time when the Holy Spirit was sent by our Lord to reveal us all things once again, this promise being renewed from the time when Jesus breathed on his disciples at Passover and said "Receive the Holy Spirit." The Spirit is a wonderful gift that God our Father grants us. This force and third person of the Blessed Trinity is God manifest in the world, revealing and teaching us all things. The Holy Spirit is what guides us day by day and gives us the power to proclaim that Jesus is Lord. By the Spirit of the Lord we are free and protected from evil and sin. With the Holy Spirit ruling in our heart we are made one with the Father and the Son and are capable of anything and everything. Pentecost Sunday also marks the time when we shift from Advent-Christmas-Lent-Easter- to Ordinary Time. However, ordinary time does not mean for us as Disciples of Christ to sit back and be ordinary people. We certainly are not ordinary and are not like the rest of the world. We have an ongoing mission that requires even more focus during this "Ordinary Time" to proclaim the gospel at all times, living it out at all times. God has certainly sent us his Spirit and through the grace and power of the Lord's guiding fire of life we are called to share the Love of Christ with our Brothers and Sisters throughout the world, giving all honor and glory to the King who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.
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