In today's gospel we learn that Jesus tells us that he is the Life Giving Water that we all need, and those who come to Him will never Thirst. Christ promises to fill us with water that will spring us to Eternal Life, for in Him all of our thirsts are quenched as our Savior grants us life, peace, happiness, joy, faith, hope, and love. Jesus provides the spiritual nourishment that we need as Christians and ensures that we are filled with the Lord and the Holy Spirit every time we celebrate the Eucharist. The message is clear and simple, those who take of Christ's body and blood are filled with the Savior and those who believe in this miracle shall be some day united with God in the world to come. When we hear the voice of the Lord we must remember to not harden our hearts, but be receptive and take Him in for He will always help us in times of trouble and times of need. For we know how much God loves us in that like the gospel says, "While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." There is certainly no greater gift than to "lay down one's life for one's friends." We are friends of God and He has sent us His Spirit to reveal and teach us all things. It is our test as Christians to remain faithful and trust and continue to drink of the cup of salvation that is available to us all in our Lord. As Jesus said, "I came not to be served, but to serve and to give my life as a ransom for many," we too must remember that life is not going to be easy but by persevering and withstanding all tests we too will reign with our Lord as He has promised us. So let us go therefore and drink of this Life Giving Water and do our part as disciples of Christ to share this cup of Salvation with all those around us by living a life of honesty, love, compassion, and friendship.